Bhopal Municipal Corporation File Property Tax Return, House Tax Online Payment

The city of Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh state. Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC) is responsible for the civic state of affairs for the city of Bhopal. The total number of wards in the Bhopal municipal corporation is 85 and the total area covered by the authority is 463 km. As we know the property owners in the city of Bhopal are required to pay property tax for both residential as well as nonresidential buildings. It is also to be noted that Residential properties with an annual rental value of less than Rs 6000 in municipalities with a population of less than 1 lakh do not qualify for Bhopal Property tax. To know more about Bhopal Municipal Corporation File Property Tax Return or House Tax Online Payment, kindly go through the complete article below.

Bhopal Municipal Corporation File Property Tax Return

The Municipal Corporation of Bhopal has made the online payment system very easy and simple to use. The online payment system has streamlined the process in a very simple way that the residents can pay their taxes from the comfort of their homes. As a taxpayer, you need to understand while paying property tax. The residents of Bhopal can make the payment both online as well as offline. The components of Property tax in Bhopal include;

  • Water Tax
  • Lightening tax
  • General Purpose tax.
  • Scavenging tax.

Apart from Property tax, other sources of tax-related revenue include;

  • Profession tax
  • Entertainment tax.
  • Advertisement tax.
  • Grants received from Central and State Government like goods and services tax.
  • Revenue from Non-Tax Sources includes;
  • Rents or funds received from Municipal Property
  • Fees from Documentation services.
  • Water usage fees.
  • Funds from Municipal bonds. Property/ House Tax Online Payment Process

To pay the Property or House Tax online in Bhopal Municipal Corporation, follow the below steps;

  1. Navigate to the official website i.e.
  2. On the web homepage, click on the Quick Services button.Bhopal Municipal Corporation File Property Tax Return, House Tax Online Payment
  3. In case you know the property ID you have to use the quick Pay Column on the left and then enter the property ID in the text box.
  4. Once you enter the property id you can then see your Property related details below.
  5. Apart from this particular method, you can also use the login for Bhopal tax payment option to complete the payment.
  6. Enter your username and password to complete the payment procedure.
  7. Once payment is done you shall receive a notification on the registered mobile number and email address with a confirmation receipt number.

Bhopal MC Property/ House Tax Payment via Offline Mode

Apart from Property Tax Online Payment, taxpayers can also make the payment offline by visiting the Bhopal Municipal Corporation office at the following address;

  • Harshwardhan Complex,
  • Mata Mandir, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh – 462001,
  • Email id: [email protected]

There are certain exemptions for the Property tax payment which include Agriculture state government buildings, Union Government, and Corporations. Building or plot which is owned by physically or mentally impaired individuals the municipal corporation has set an exemption limit of Rs 20,000 per building. Residential Properties owned by war veterans or any state or political as identified by India’s Election Commission also come under the tax exemption.

Calculation of Bhopal MC Property/ House Tax Return

The Bhopal Property tax is calculated when the Base value is multiplied by the floor factor, building type, age of property, and use category to calculate property tax in Bhopal.

  1. The base value here is the property base value.
  2. Single or multi-floor determines the floor factor.
  3. The Property age is the Total number of years since the time of its construction.
  4. The type of building represents whether the building is residential or non-residential.
  5. Self-owned or rented falls under the use category.

Property taxes are ongoing expenses that you need to budget every year because the property tax bill may increase over time as the value of the property increases. If you believe that your property has been overvalued by the local assessment body you can appeal which will help you save money on your property tax bill though the process can be complicated. Property tax are essential source of revenue for local government which also helps the local corporation obtain funds to keep the essential services running. It is also essential for one to stay informed to meet property obligations to maintain your home as a valuable asset.

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