Ajmer Municipal Corporation Property Tax Online Payment @lsg.rajasthan.gov.in/mcajmer

Today in this blog we will be discussing How to pay Property tax for Ajmer Municipal Corporation and why Property Tax is so important. The City of Ajmer is situated in Rajasthan and Ajmer Municipal Corporation is the authorized civic body responsible for the Collection of Property Tax there. Since there is no official website for Ajmer Municipal Corporation you have to visit the Ajmer Municipal Council and make the payment for Property tax. Any residents who own any land and property in the area must pay their property/ house tax to Ajmer Municipal Corporation before the due date. To know more about the process of Ajmer Municipal Corporation Property Tax Online Payment @lsg.rajasthan.gov.in/mcajmer, kindly go through the complete article below.

Ajmer Municipality Property Tax Online Payment

Let us tell you that “Ajmer Municipal Corporation” doesn’t have any provisions for online mode of payment of Property tax. So you have to visit the common official website @lsg.rajasthan.gov.in/mcajmer to file your property/ house tax payment. Property tax can thereby be defined as a levy imposed by local governments on real estate or immovable property. The Assessed value of a property is commonly derived from its market value representing the present amount it would fetch under current market conditions.

The Computation of Property tax typically involves applying a predetermined tax rate to the property assessed value. Property tax forms an important source of local revenue which thereby helps to fund services and communities in the city. Below check the process to calculate your property/ house tax online.

Ajmer Municipal Corporation Property Tax Online Payment @lsg.rajasthan.gov.in mcajmer due date

Calculation of Property Tax for Ajmer Municipal Corporation

The property tax formula comprises various factors, and the property tax is determined by multiplying the base value with the type of building, age factor, floor factor, category of use, and the built-up area.

Property Tax = Capital Value × Tax Rate, where, Capital Value= Market Value of The Property × Weight For Construction Type × Total Carpet Area × Weight For The Age of The Building.

The Amount of Property tax in Ajmer is calculated based on the type and usage of the property. The Formula for Tax Calculation is provided below in the given table.

Types of Properties Land tax Formula Ajmer
Residential Houses (Plot Area X District level Committee Residential Rate/ 2000
Residential Apartments Flat build Area ( in square yards) X District level Residential Rate /2000
Commercial (Plot Area/Buildup Area(whichever is more) in square yard X District level Commercial Rate/2000
Institutional (Plot Area/Buildup Area9square yard) X District level Commercial Rate /2000
Institutional (Plot Area X Buildup Area(whichever is more in square yard) X District Level Commercial Rate) /2000

How to pay Ajmer MC Property/ House Tax online?

As we have mentioned above you have to visit the official website @lsg.rajasthan.gov.in/mcajmer for Ajmer Municipal Corporation Property Tax Online Payment. Now Let’s Understand the Types of Property;

  1. Movable Property:- Movable Property refers to assets that can be relocated without causing damage. Various legislation provides definitions for movable property. For Example Vehicles, Electronic Devices, Jewellery etc.
  2. Immovable Property:- Immovable property refers to assets that cannot be relocated and are typically attached to the earth. Immovable property includes land, buildings, hereditary allowances, and rights arising from the land, among others. This category requires registration for properties valued over ₹100, and registration fees and stamp duty apply. For instance, immovable property may include ancestral joint properties, emphasizing its permanence and significance.
  3. Tangible Property:- Tangible property refers to Assets that cannot be Touched. This category includes movable property that can be relocated without causing damage. Examples of tangible property include electronic devices, vehicles, books, and furniture.
  4. Intangible Property:- Intangible property lacks physical existence and comprises assets with inherent or potential value that cannot be touched or felt. Examples of intangible property encompass intellectual property like stocks, copyrights, patents, and bonds.

Ajmer Municipal Corporation Property Tax Payment via Offline

As discussed earlier you can only make the Property Tax Payment by Visiting the Municipal Corporation of Ajmer. You can either make the payment through cash, cheque, or Demand draft. Once Payment is done you can collect the receipt take the Print copy and keep it for future reference. Please refer to the Address and Contact details below.

  • Address: Ward. No.52, Prithvi Raj Marg, Chudi Bazar, Ajmer, Rajasthan – 305001
  • Phone Number: 0145 2429971
  • Official Site: https://lsg.rajasthan.gov.in/mcajmer

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